The Vast of Night

Our Imagination’s Sure Going to Be

The Vast of Night is a 2019 American science fiction film directed by Andrew Patterson, and starring Sierra McCormick and Jake Horowitz.

The film is written by Andrew Patterson under the pseudonym of James Montague, and Craig W. Sanger.

It premiered at the 2019 Slamdance Film Festival in January 2019.

The Plot is set in the 1950s, where two kids search for the source of a mysterious frequency that has descended on their town.

The above mentioned plot is said to be loosely based on the Kecksburg UFO incident and Foss Lake Disappearances

Within the span of 2 stanzas, I have managed to sum up the premise of this bright new indie feature out now on Prime Video.

It feels pretty exciting to write about this movie that is making waves

Despite the premise, the fun here lies not in the What, but the How!

So, Let’s Find Out about The How

Anything that doesn’t Work?

  • The only aspect which can be confounding are the opening minutes
  • However, the way this opening sequence is setup exists for a reason
  • We will get to that once we start exploring All That Works for this Movie

What Works?

  • The execution is refreshingly novel and unique
  • It just takes you back to the era of simple yet sturdy story telling
  • The How is exciting because of the way the setup builds
  • Every scene, sequence & frame keeps adding something
  • It’s hard to pull away from what’s happening on screen
  • The characters conversing, the back ground chatter, the setting
  • Everything Matters Out Here!
Sierra McCormick & Jake Horowitz
  • The Screen play by Patterson & Sanger does wonders
  • The premise of this movie is laid out bit by bit because of the characters
  • There are no expositions to explain back drop stories
  • Everything being revealed to audiences is because a character is speaking about it
  • So, each and every character matters!
Jake Horowitz
  • The Direction is Top Notch with every page of the screen play well etched and executed
  • It’s hard to believe this is the work of a Debutante Director
  • At the same, it’s absolutely Inspiring to see the Finesse in the Execution
  • Considering it’s a Sci Fi, the homages to this Genre of Yore are well placed
  • It’s even more spectacular to see the Tributes in the way the movie is presented and narrated(Watch It & You Shall Understand!)
Sierra McCormick & Jake Horowitz
  • Now, another aspect I will touch upon is about The Opening Sequence
  • The reason it works more than not working at all is it’s placement
  • Just like the premise & the setup, the opening minutes that establish the tone look to alienate any expectations
  • It demolishes any pre conceived notions you bought in when you began watching this one
  • And as the movie progresses and anticipation keeps rising with every revelation, that is when you’re declared TOTALLY INVESTED
  • Now it’s absolutely impossible for you to pull away!
  • I am still trying to recall the last time I saw a Movie in this Genre that did this for me from a narrative standpoint
The Vast of Night

The other noteworthy aspects of this movie are:

  • The Music – It’s Quirky, Eerie, Spectacular enough to create Goosebumps and get you waiting for what’s Next
  • The Cinematography- M.I. Littin-Menz does a fine job of capturing a small town through exquisite frames
  • His frames are lit well enough to capture both: The Charm of A Well Knit Community & The Terror of What’s Unseen
  • Certain scenes like long takes and pan shots belie the budget on which this one must have been produced
  • The Editing – Junius Tully surely knows how to keep the narrative going at a bumper speed without compromising on The Essential Bits that Shape the Story
  • The Production & Costume Design(Adam Dietrich & Jamie Reed)/Art Direction(Jonathan Rudak) are 3 aspects that are instrumental
  • These aspects are responsible for transporting us back to An Era of Conspiracies/Stories/Rumors and What Not
  • It makes the premise believable, as the 50’s are captured right down to the Tee

The Performances?

  • Both the Central Performers(Mccormick & Horowitz) had A Tough Job
  • Their parts were challenging because of The How
  • For Characters to be conversing in a way that they are responsible for our Anticipations & The Narrative is Truly A Mighty Test
  • Both of Them manage to nail Patterson’s Vision and at the same time convince us that they are teenagers
  • Their angst, excitement, trepidation, anxieties are right there
  • Every exchange these 2 have be it with others or each other, is filled of emotions(like the one’s described above)
  • Even the Supporting Characters are attuned to the Vision of What makes This Night Vast

It’s like A Perfect Amalgamation of Various Aspects that Set this Apart

The Verdict?

  • A Vast of Night will ensure one thing
  • It will get you speaking, either for it or against it
  • I doubt it will be the Latter
It’s just pleasant to experience a screenplay that is SO FRESH:

In The Way It’s Written, The Way It’s Shot & The Way It’s Directed

Please watch this one while It’s available on Prime Video.

Go For It! A Must Watch at least for All Sci-Fi Fans

Our Night’s aren’t going to be Vast, But Our Imagination’s Sure going to be….



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