Bad Education

Bad Education

Bad Education… Some People Definitely Learn the Hard Way…

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6 Best Movie Performances of 2017 (So Far)

6 Best Movie Performances of 2017 (So Far)

We’re more than halfway through the year and though the summer blockbusters disappointed, 2017 has already seen its fair share of great movie performances. The majority of them have been more purely entertaining in contrast to the more scenery-chewing roles and pretentious, awards-oriented films we get later in the year. Here I list 6 of the best performances I saw, and am sure majority of them may land up nominations at multiple award ceremonies! 6….

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Hugh Jackman’s Logan : What Do The Reviews Say?

Hugh Jackman’s Logan : What Do The Reviews Say?

X- Men’s beloved superhero is back in a solo movie – probably one final time. Hugh Jackman reprises the role of Wolverine in the upcoming 20th Century Fox flick Logan. Expectations are high, especially because X-Men goes the R-rated way, probably encouraged by the success of Deadpool. Unlike Deadpool, Logan seems dark and raw with Hugh Jackman playing the aged avatar of the loved superhero Wolverine. Synopsis: It’s 2029. Mutants are gone–or very nearly so. An…

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